Saturday, November 30, 2002

I love them SO!
I love linking text. It makes me look sooo professional, when I see a whole paragraph of text peppered with little link hotspots. so joyous an occasion it is, indeed, to have such a vast amount of links gathered in such a place. A place of global wisdom, and inherent ingenuity, coated in an ooze of clear metropolitanism, and sprayed lightly over the sea of life that is the global internet population. O link, it gives me great joy to utter thy name in pure content. To feel the luscious sounds roll off mine own tongue and slip quietly into the ears of all who hear it like a droplet of the moon's own nectar.
Well. Now that I've got THAT off my chest, I can relax. Goodbye for now.

Monday, November 25, 2002

I'll get back to you later, okay? now, I sleep. It's 2.45 and 30 seconds....seriously.
Blame Something Else!
Why is it that everytime some suburb kid gets pissed off 'cause someone calls him a 'geek' (Which, by the way, isn't a bad thing.) and pulls a gun and starts shooting jocks, it's blamed on Doom, or Quake, etc?
According to the police, and the government, games like Quake and Doom desensitize America's youth. Apparently Novalogic's Delta Force is training 15-year-old assasins. That, to me, is a major crock of horseturd. I play Half Life: Counter-Strike almost religiously. This game has been hailed as one of the most realistic First-Person Shooters ever and I still can't take too much blood. Sure, I can stand my own, if I cut myself somehow, but if say, my brother was punched in the face (ah...the memories.....) and cut his lip, I would (...and did) panic. I thought the blood was from his tongue, that was (in my mind) cleanly severed.
If Counter-Strike is such a desensitizer, then why did I react thusly? And why doesn't the Army use it's billion dollars and order a couple hundred thousand Alienware Gaming Rigs with copies of America's Army? They made the game, for crying out loud.

Sunday, November 24, 2002

I love musa
My buddy musa is so cool, I want to be just like him when I grow up.
Influential, eh?
If I were to sum myself up in two words, they would be: "Easily influenced". I'm like Anne Heche on Ally McBeal, with tourettes syndrome, only not as bad, or as outrageous. I was up late, surfing links from other sites, and someone knocked on the door to my room or something. I got up and immediately was disoriented--the confused staring and long pauses proceeded forthwith. Just like my neighbour does.
I'm like a little lost animal...I mimic the actions of my environment and surroundings to feel safe and protected and in the group. Kind of to stay out of truoble.
Pssh...yeah right.
"This is a GREAT step forward to help understand why a 100% stock and a un-modified XBOX with all modifications removed can NOT access XBOX LIVE...."
This is a quote from an Xbox modding site...I have nothing to say to this innane piece of trash. Because....y'know. It's a piece 'a' trash.
Mirror Theory
I have this theory, see? It has to do with mirrors. Here goes: What if, on the other side of the mirror, there is another world. Now, now, before you accuse me of ripping off some cheap horror flick, let me elaborate.
On the other side of this world, is another world, right? You look in at that world, via an available mirror, and you see yourself, only its not you--it's another you, on the other side, looking back at you, via his or her mirror. Sounds dull? Well, thats because I don't care much all that evil will break loose into our world if we do some chant to unleashe the devil.
See, in this other world, everything is exactly the same as it is here, only in reverse. Left is right, names are spelled backwards, and so on, but up is still up, because when you look in a mirror, its the same way.
I got this "theory" when I got bored and just started to stare at my reflection, and after a while, maybe a half hour, I saw a change. Maybe I just moved but didn't feel myself move, and thought it was my alter-dimension, alter-ego person moving and I saw it. I dunno. My mind does some wierd stuff sometimes.
At least I don't hear screams, like some people I know.
I'm told it's hard to get into college.....We'll just see about that.