My words, they're supposed to pour from my lips and into your ears and melt your mind so I can tear you away from your friends for one goddamned second so I can talk and you can see that I'm not such a bad guy after all.
Despite the staring.
But somewhere between my eyes and my head fear is born when I look at you. The little beast rears up like a horse frightened and stomps the ground where my mouth is, I can't freakin' speak.
A little ditty of positivity, diguised.
Bright, I tell you.
Despite the staring.
But somewhere between my eyes and my head fear is born when I look at you. The little beast rears up like a horse frightened and stomps the ground where my mouth is, I can't freakin' speak.
A little ditty of positivity, diguised.
Bright, I tell you.